Each week, you’ll get homework for your Matrix class.
Junior Students (Year 7-10)
Homework must be submitted every week for marking. Homework will be marked and returned the following week.
English students can view and submit their weekly homework on the Matrix LMS under ‘Assignments’. Marked homework will be returned to you the following week.
Maths and Science students can complete their weekly homework in their Matrix Workbook issued to you on your first day. Bring your attempted homework to your next lesson and it will be taken for marking.
Senior Students (Year 11-12)
Maths or Science students are required to complete their homework every week.
English students can view and submit their weekly homework on the Matrix LMS under ‘Assignments’. Marked homework will be returned to you the following week.
Maths and Science students can complete their homework in their Matrix Workbook. You will need to bring this book to each Matrix lesson to present to your class teacher who will mark whether you have completed it or not.