Step 1:
Reflect on the course
Don't look at your books or notes yet. Instead, think and reflect. Try and remember what the course was about. What were the major topics covered? What were the major skills covered? Your test needs to reflect ALL of this.
Step 2:
Study the Theory Book
Now read the content in your Theory Book again. In particular, focus on the content underneath the numbered headings. If you really want to understand something, try to write the ideas out in your own words.
Write answers to any of the questions you didn't answer in class. Rewrite answers to the questions. The most important thing at this point is practise.
Review the appendices covering key techniques.
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Step 3
This is the most important step. Practise writing essays on the subject of the course under exam conditions. Time yourself. If it takes you 40 minutes the first time, do it again in 30 minutes.
In particular, practise writing thesis statements and introductions for questions in the Theory Book.
Maths & Science
Step 1
Review Theory Book
To ensure you have gained a thorough knowledge and understanding of the key concepts taught during the term. The Concept Check Questions in the Theory Book are a great way to access your depth of understanding.
Often students make the mistake of jumping into questions without having gained a clear understanding of the content. This means it takes longer to solve questions.
Step 2
Reattempt workbook
Identify questions you got wrong in your workbook and reattempt these questions. Workbook solutions are available on the LMS if you wish to check your answers.
Step 3
Practice quizzes under exam conditions
Retake all your quizzes again under exam conditions. Please allow 1.5 minutes per mark. For a 10 mark quiz, you should allow 15 minutes to complete it.
Remember that your ability to perform well in the real exam improves with the number of questions.
During the Topic Test
Step 1
Read questions carefully
To fully understand what the questions is ultimately looking for. A great technique is to identify what you are trying to achieve in each question, the write it down.
Some questions are phrased in a complicated way. Read the questions carefully, then read it again if you are still in doubt of the goal of the question.
Step 2
List out and highlight given information
Students often overlook important hints and information that would help solve questions.
Short phrases like: 'symmetrical', 'parallel', 'negligible', etc . could simplify complex problems.
List out all information, assign correct variables and identify the assumptions the questions make.
Step 3
Plan out your methodology
You will need to identify which concepts are applicable to given questions- be mindful that more than one concept can be examined in a single question.
Identify the right equations and approaches to use; plan a step-by-step workflow to attain your final solution; break down necessary information and characteristics of your drawing.
Step 4
Draw a big, clear and detailed diagram
A big, clear drawing will give you more insights into the visual components of a specific graph or diagram.
Feel free to use spaces to help you note down the necessary information and characteristics of your drawing.
Step 5
Check your answers
Time management is critical! Manage your time during your test and leave 10 minutes towards the end to check your solutions.
Make sure to check your solutions, specifically how your present your numbers. Is the question looking for an exact form? 2 or 3 significant figures?
Do not forget units! You could lose marks for not having units of measurement!