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Weekly Quizzes

How to prepare for your weekly in-class quizzes

Melanie avatar
Written by Melanie
Updated over a week ago

Matrix offers in-class quizzes for our Maths and Science students!

Quizzes are conducted in your class from Lesson 2 onwards. They test the content you learnt in the previous lesson and highlight any knowledge gaps in a timely manner. With weekly quiz results, students and parents can self-assess a student’s progress and learning throughout the term of the course.

English students do not have quizzes every week and instead can submit their homework for feedback via their LMS. Occasionally, students may be asked to complete an online quiz for English instead of submitting homework.

Preparing for Quizzes

Quizzes for different subjects will have different knowledge or learning requirements. As a general rule, students should do the following to prepare for their quizzes:

  • Review all your theory and workbook notes.

  • Thoroughly review and revise all the key concepts covered in classes so far.

  • Ensure you have detailed knowledge and understanding of what you have been taught to date.

  • Validate your knowledge by completing the workbook questions, if you struggle with certain types of questions or concepts you must review these concepts.

  • Don’t memorise responses. Memorisation and rote learning are useful for learning things like vocabulary, quotations, or a periodic table, but they are not substitutes for understanding processes. Rote learning won’t help you understand formulae, you need to be able to apply them!

Below are some subject specific tips for Quizzes.


  • Revise the texts that you have studied to this point.

  • Revise your notes.

  • Ensure you know the key characters and events from the text

  • Make sure you are aware of any relevant contextual or biographical information you may need to know.

  • Revise any rules of grammar that you have learned to this point.

  • Make sure that your knowledge of literary and poetic techniques is up-to-date and thorough.


  • Complete workbook exercise and think hard about questions you were unable to complete on the first go before giving up.

  • Revise key concepts from the lesson and fully understand how each equation is used and applied.

  • Take notes of different techniques in classroom and jot down in a summary booklet for revision.

  • Ask questions at the beginning of the class for your teacher to go through, and ensure that you listen and think along carefully with the explanation given.

  • During quiz time, read questions carefully as there may be traps! There are many questions with certain restrictions so you will have to be crystal clear about how you approach a problem.


  • Revise the key concepts for the Module.

  • Make sure that you have detailed knowledge and understanding of your core concepts.

  • Double-check your knowledge by doing workbook exercises.

  • Make sure that you remember the correct vocabulary.

  • Chemistry: Practice writing subscript notation for different states and have the correct formulas.

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