If you haven't logged in before:
1. Visit portal.matrix.edu.au
2. Click Don't have an account?
3. Enter the email address you used to enrol at Matrix. Email address not working? Chat to us online (click the chat system, bottom right) so that we can update your email address for you.
4. You’ll receive an email with a link to create a new password. If you haven't received it, please check your spam/junk mail.
Didn't receive a reset password email? Click here.
5. You will be required to create your password.
Once you've submitted, simply visit portal.matrix.edu.au and you can log in with your email address and the password you've recently created.
6. Once you log into MyMatrix, click on Enrolments. This will show you all your current/past courses. Click on LMS to access your course.
Install and use Matrix LMS on your iPad/smart device - here.
Didn't receive a reset password email?
If you don’t receive the reset email, please check your spam/junk folder. For further assistance, contact our IT team at [email protected], provide your username (email address) and we'll sort it out for you!
Should you still experience any difficulties, please let us know.