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Year 9 Courses

What our Year 9 students will cover each term at Matrix.

Melanie avatar
Written by Melanie
Updated over a week ago

All Year 9 courses are 1.5 hours long once a week for 9 weeks during the term.

We offer Year 9 English, Maths and Science.

Should you wish to enrol please click here or if you have any questions, chat to us online!

Term 1
Reading Novels

  • Building Reading Skills

  • Characterisation

  • Setting

  • Plot

Term 2

  • Shakespearean Poetry

  • Emily Dickinson

  • Modern Poetry

  • Australian Poetry

Term 3
Critical Film Studies

  • Complex film techniques

  • The role of the director

  • How to analyse film

Term 4
Shakespeare's Macbeth

  • Strategies for reading Shakespeare

  • Approaching Macbeth

  • Writing analytically and imaginatively

Term 1

  • Algrabatic Expressions & Fractions

  • Equations

  • Inequalities

Term 2

  • Indices & Surds

  • Surface Area

  • Volumes

Term 3

  • Factorisation of Quadratic

  • Expressions

  • Properties of Geometrical Figures

Term 4

  • Trigonometry

  • Linear Relationships

  • Simultaneous Equations

Term 1

Chemical World: Chemistry Part 1

Term 2

Living World: Biology Part 1

Term 3

Physical World: Physics Part 1

Term 4

Earth and Space: Earth Science Part 1

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